Saturday, May 15, 2010

Having completed the ELPC course and taken part in professional practical placement I have a different view on what it means to be a successful educator and what aspects I still need to develop to be the quality teacher that strive to be.

One of the biggest realizations was the fact that what works in theory or in my head may not work in practice. I now know that you can plan a lesson for hours on end and then step in the classroom and think, "oh no this isn't going to work' or the students whip through it reluctantly for 5 minutes then demand to move on. It has become evident through my professional practical placement to be flexible and get to know the students on a more personal level to gauge what they are interested in and what learning styles they have. I also learnt that what might work on my computer might not work on theirs! I learnt this the hard way. After spending a weekend putting together slides for a smartboard presentation, most of the sides did not work on their computer. I spent my lunchtime going crazy on the computer trying to find appropriate replacement images. This incident has shown that when working with technology don't take if for granted that it will work every time. Plan ahead and have a practice run through so if any problems occur you have time to fix them.

There are still some gaps in my knowledge and I have become aware of what I still need to develop in my teaching. I need to keep up to date with ICT developments and study how I can use smartboards to their greatest potential, rather then just using them as a presentation tool, how can I get the students to engage and interact. I am taking steps to stay up to date by following art educators blogs, so anything new and helpful to my teaching that comes up I am informed of straight away. I have seen the possibilities of using ICT in the visual arts classroom from online diaries to learning new techniques in online tutorials and interactive games. My aim is now to refine my methods of integrating them into units of work effectively and not as a random add on. They can be used to not only educate but also as a tool for classroom management, an aspect of teaching I still need to develop from research into theory and practice. 

The units studied in the ELPC course have provided me with information on how to use them in my teaching and made me aware of the issues surrounding their use. By listening to lectures and having hands on practice and investigation in computer lab work I have gained the confidence to use ICT to support my teaching. As mentioned in previous posts the network of support in this course and sharing ideas and issues amongst peers has helped me develop my approach in incorporating ICT. I will use it as a portal to information and as an interactive and engaging tool relevant to the students needs and working methods.  

I have come away from this course informed and inspired to teach visual arts using practices that incorporate ICT.

I was browsing (not procrastinating I swear!) online at art games and came across some cool widgets to add to blogs. I have added Red Easel to the right, providing art information and inspiration. I have also added a Matisse inspired at game at the bottom of the blog. It reminds me of kid pix and Artist Toolkit combined. A good game to suggest students to add if I ever get them to set up blogs as an alternative to Visual and Process Diaries.

Starting up a blog for the first time has made me see how they can indeed be used as an online alternative to document thoughts, artworks, inspirations and images. It saves the whole process of printing out, pasting in and writing down information in a visual diary. I have noticed that the majority of students I am teaching are reluctant to do their diary work. I think getting them to start blogs could be a successful and engaging alternative for them. 

Being on professional experiences has made me aware of what I still need to work on when integrating ICT into units of work.

  1. Don't procrastinate when online researching!
  2. Don't procrastinate at work when you can use a line off to prepare for classes the next day!
  3. Don't procrastinate on social networking sites when you have to write essays for university, prepare classes and go to work to earn money!
I have come to realize that working in this profession you become quite time poor so it is important to use your time wisely and efficiently so you have a balance between work and life. While ICT can help you prepare for classes and make them engaging for the students it can also provide an opportunity to get distracted and procrastinate! I now know to set myself goals and tick them off as a go so I don't meander endlessly online.

Going into my last week of professional experience placement and it feels like my head is about to explode! Crazy busy and I have never been so exhausted but I am enjoying it alot. 

I have managed to and still plan to use ICT in my art classes:
  • Starting the new units I booked the smartboard in the library to show powerpoints and images. 
  • The Year 7 Elements and Principles of Design Class will be using the computer lab in the library to experiment on Artist Toolkit and do some online 3D tutorials.
  • Cameras have been used to photograph work and document progress
  • Online art competitions have been used in the Year 9 Wearable art unit.
I feel happy with how i have integrated ICT into the units of work. They are enhancers of the content rather then dominating without any relevance. The students have shown engagement with the unit by using these ICT resources.  I have also found that in planning my units of work I am using ICT more. From researching on the internet to learn new art skills to teach, to scanning in images, processing in photoshop and creating shows for smartboards. And this is all before i even get to standing in front on the students. I feel much more confident in using ICT after practicing and exploring it myself throughout the ELPC course.