I discovered an interesting youtube video that I think could be quite useful to teachers who want to use mobile learning. It outlines the different types of interaction that take place in schools. These include:

  • Learner + Content
  • Learner + Expert
  • Learner + Learner
The speaker introduces a new interaction, that of Learner + Context. He proposes that the context of learners needs to be considered by educators to determine what forms of interaction are going to be the most effective for learning to take place.

At the present moment from my observations at my practical placement, there seems to be a focus on Learner/Content. Even when technological devices are used, such as smartboards, they are used as delivery systems for content without much student involvement taking place. The students sit at their desks and don't fully engage.

The video promotes the importance of learning in social contexts with a focus on Learner/Expert and Learner/Learner approaches. For instance when usign mobile learning don't just deliver content, it is the same as doing it in traditional methods just on a smaller screen. There needs to be other elements such as interactive games, discussion forums in blogs, sms quizzes, research through wireless internet rather then providing answers and surveys.