I came across many sites online that list benefits and disadvantages to mobile learning. While some were significant points I began to get the feeling that people are hiding behind the disadvantages so they will not have to implement mobile learning into their practice. Is it fear of not knowing how to use the technology that is really hindering full usage?

Here are a few links to some blogs that show the benefits and disadvantages to mobile learning:

Some disadvantages include:
  • Small screens of mobile phones and PDAs: hard to read and limits amount of info that can be displayed
  • Limited storage capacities in PDAs
  • Battery life/charge
  • Lack of common operating system
  • Lack of common hardware platform make it difficult to develop content for all.
  • Limited potential for expansion with some devices
  • Devices can become out of date quickly
  • Wireless bandwidth is limited and may degrade with a larger number of users
  • Difficulties with printing, unless connected to a network
  • Language used by students is often jargonistic, which is unhelpful for people with dyslexia and other learning difficulties
  • Cost
  • Cheating in assessments
  • Untrained teachers may not implement the devices effectively
  • Distraction from 'proper' learning
  • Cyber-bullying
These disadvantages need to be considered by schools that implement mobile learning. Most of the disadvantages can be overcome but some are still prominent in hindering the full usage of mobile devices.