I discovered this article by kevin Brady in the School Administrator, feb 2010, Vol. 67, Issue 2, pg 8. 

It denotes the issues inhibiting the use of social networking sites despite the benefits to learning. These include fear on safety and the divide in opinion leading to its disuse. 

The article notes a general difference of opinion between educators and students and parents concerning use of social networking websites such as Facebook or MySpace for school purposes. Educators seem to be concerned about inappropriate content, sexual predators and cyber-bullying while parents and students are more open. It notes several sites designed specifically for schools, such as "Elgg" and "Ning."

It highlights that by building community support and reducing educator reluctance, social networking tools could be implemented in schools. Educators have a choice: They can allow students to develop social networking skills on their own or play a significant role in exposing them to the educational benefits these sites provide, using technologies that simultaneously protect student privacy and promote safe navigation.
"A majority of the parents and students expressed high expectations about the positive role social networking technologies could play in students' lives. About 60 percent of the students surveyed indicated they use social networking sites for online discussions about schoolwork."